Girls' School
Girls' School Join the Jammie Army
Girls' School Join the Jammie Army
July 07, 2014 at 11:29 AM
From collecting PJ's and toothbrushes to socks and booties, a group of students from the Girls' School, led by Year 7 student Ava Beca had been busy giving back to the community for Jammies in June. The girls brought the whole school together to help out Kidz First Children's Hospital with hopes of reaching outward and helping keep Kiwi kids warm this winter.
Service is an integral part of our mission as it teaches our students honesty, compassion, respect and understanding.
Read more about the girls' amazing work here: http://www.middlemorefoundation.org.nz/jammies-in-june/avas-angels-get-teh-job-done-big-time