Girls’ School Grandparents’ Day
Girls’ School Grandparents’ Day
October 24, 2017 at 1:14 PM
‘Being a grandparent isn’t a big thing… it’s a million little things. It’s the hug, the walk, the birthday card or the phone call.’
Many grandparents are renamed when they become a grandparent. This naming right is generally given to the first-born grandchild when they start to talk and that first utterance sticks to become the grandparent’s name for life.
Grandparents’ Day at the Girls’ School is a highly anticipated event and many of our grandparents travel vast distances to join their granddaughters for the morning. This year, the sun was out without a cloud in the sky and as our guests filled the hall, the girls’ faces lit up with joy as they scanned the crowd to find their loved ones.
The Kapa Haka group opened the morning with a beautiful performance from the recent Creative Arts Evening. Principal, Ms Juliet Small welcomed our guests and thanked them for being there for the girls, as each grandparent has a special place in the girls’ hearts. Before the entertainment started, Ms Small read a few hilarious quotes that grandchildren have said about their grandparents.
‘When a grandson asked his grandpa how old he was, the grandpa replied, ‘I’m not sure.’ ‘Look in your underwear, Grandpa,’ he advised, ‘Mine says I’m 4 to 6.’
Also, ‘A 5-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. ‘Oh’ he said, ‘She lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go and get her. Then, when we’re done having her to visit, we take her back to the airport.’
The Orchestra, including Ms Small on the violin, played two songs for our guests, the Year 5 class performed their Creative Arts piece, Cinderella from Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes, and Year 6 student, Mia Hooten, performed a monologue of Jack and Jill. At the close of the formalities, our guests were invited to visit the classrooms and take a tour of the school with the girls.
The library book sale was popular once again with excited girls buzzing around to choose a book, taking a moment to read it together with their grandparents. All book purchases were for donation back to the library and were finished with a bookplate inscription of the girls’ names.
The morning concluded with a shared morning tea in the hall. We thank the Parents and Friends for their assistance with this and to the visiting grandparents for coming along to share a special morning at school.