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Girls' School

Girls’ School Grandparents’ Day

25 October 2018

Girls’ School Grandparents’ Day

October 25, 2018 at 3:31 PM

‘God couldn’t be everywhere, so he made Grandparents.’

With the busyness of Term 4 well underway, the Girls’ School received some special visitors this week. Grandparents’ Day is an event that is thoroughly enjoyed by both generations, old and young alike, with many of our grandparents travelling vast distances to join us for the morning.

The sun was out, as the girls flooded into the school hall ready to entertain their guests. It didn’t take long before necks were craning and smiles were seen filling the room as the girls caught glimpses of their visitors!

The Kapa Haka group opened the morning with a beautiful performance before Principal, Ms Juliet Small welcomed our guests and thanked them for their support of the School and their granddaughters. She assured the guests that their visit meant everything to the girls and said, ‘Being a grandparent isn’t a big thing…. it’s a million little things. It’s the hug, the walk, the birthday card or the phone call’.

Ms Small went on to make light of the many technological advances witnessed from one generation to the next, and how our girls can lead the way in helping their grandparents with new technology. As if on cue, there was an unfortunate ‘glitch’ with the sound system and after a brief moment of ‘head scratching’ by grownups, the tech-savvy generation stepped in with a fix!

The Year 2 girls took their turn on stage, warming the room with their ‘Kindness is a muscle’ action song; the ‘Chinese Dance Group’ performed a polished ‘Umbrella Dance’ and the School Choir, the ‘Highland Belles,’ took their turn to sing a beautiful rendition of ’Firefly,’ followed by ‘I am a small part of the world’, accompanied by Year 8 student, Arya Blackler on the flute.

The entertainment wasn’t over yet for our guests. The Year 8 students performed an entertaining piece, originally performed at the Music Mania evening, and then all the girls gathered as one to perform the ever-popular ‘We’re Saint Kentigern Girls’.

With the entertainment over, the moment the girls had been waiting for finally arrived; with gleeful hugs, the girls collected their grandparents for a tour of the School. Those without their own visitors were quickly adopted for the morning as the groups toured the campus, visiting classrooms and specialist areas. One of the highlights of the morning was the chance for our grandparents to check out the brand-new virtual reality equipment under the guidance of their young charges – a glimpse at current technology and what may lie ahead.

The library book sale proved popular again with the excited girls buzzing around to choose a book to be donated back to the library. The visits were capped off with a morning tea before the grandparents headed home after a busy and enjoyable morning!