Girls' School Father Daughter Breakfast
Girls' School Father Daughter Breakfast
August 29, 2018 at 4:41 PM
“Dear Daddy, no matter where I go in life, you’ll always be my number one man.” Anon
An early start for a very special breakfast will never dampen the spirit for our girls, in spite of the pouring rain, as they proudly brought their Dads to this annual event.
With the support of the Parents and Friends, the Girls’ School hosted their annual Father and Daughter Breakfast at Ellerslie Events Centre. More than 200 girls and their Dads enjoyed a delicious breakfast and some special talk time.
Dads, daughters and special guests were welcomed by Principal Ms Juliet Small and she spoke of the absolute commitment that fathers give to their daughters. She thanked them for supporting the girls learning, for driving them to practices, for helping them with homework and for being their greatest support and advocate.
The guest speaker John Cowan is well known in parenting circles through his long association with the Parenting Place as well as featuring on radio programmes. His life’s work has been varied from scientist to social worker to media producer. But most importantly, he is a dad who loves to inspire those with whom he has worked, and today he had some special advice for daughters and dads. In an amusing way, he spoke of how to cope with boring lessons. This proved to be a real ice breaker to all, as some of the ideas were tested by the girls. But on a more serious note, he assured the girls that their dads loved them, that dads worry about their daughters and when they say no it is because they want to keep them safe from the perils of the world. He encouraged dads to do things with their daughters; perhaps go camping or involve her in special projects. John said that it was important to ‘let them know when they are getting things right and not so much when they get things wrong.”
Ms Small thanked the Parents and Friends for organising such a special occasion for the school, with special thanks to Denise Nel and Rebecca Scoones who worked tirelessly to put this special event together.
Spot prizes were donated by Megan Dempsey – The Clinic, Remuera Golf Club, Sabato, and The Oral Care Company Ltd. We are also grateful for the continued sponsorship from Saint Kentigern Old Collegians Association.