Girls' School Family Picnic
Girls' School Family Picnic
December 07, 2020 at 10:30 AM
When lockdown took us by surprise in Term 1 this year, there were many activities and events that were cancelled or put on hold while we waited for school life to resume. The Girls’ School usually holds a late-summer Family Picnic towards the end of Term 1 but at the time, this was a casualty of lockdown. When we finally returned to school in May, summer picnic weather had passed us by!
Finally, a date was fixed and as Term 4, of a most unusual year, draws to a close, families of the Girls’ School set themselves up on the lawn in front of Corran House for their annual – albeit late - Family Picnic. After a week of cool and windy weather, the sun came out and shone for a beautiful, warm evening with sausages and hamburgers cooking on the BBQ and a line-up of treats for the youngsters ready to be purchased.
The scene was perfect for a relaxing picnic under the shade of early-summer trees, and a fantastic opportunity for parents to socialise with fellow parents while the girls happily played.
The girls were kept busy on the playground or having a cool dip in the pool, with on-duty lifeguards to keep watch. But the highlight undoubtedly was our young musicians! Forming into various mini rock bands, each group took turns to entertain with a wide range of vocal and musical styles. They finished with the Ukulele Band and all received keen applause from the onlookers. There were more than a few mobile phones raised high in the air as parents proudly recorded the performances!
A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all and we offer our sincere thanks to the Girls’ School Parents and Friends, led by Mrs Rebecca Scoones for organising this successful event.
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