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Girls' School

The Girls’ School Christchurch Exchange

14 June 2019

The Girls’ School Christchurch Exchange

June 14, 2019 at 2:16 PM

With thanks to Senior School Dean, Bernadette Haerewa.

Recently, the Girls’ School Year 7 and 8 students travelled to Christchurch to take part in a weeklong exchange with Selwyn House School. The exchange was well received and as soon as the girls stepped foot in Christchurch, they were fronted with a fun filled, educational and busy schedule. 

The girls’ first visit was to the International Antarctic Centre where they looked at innovations to aid survival in extreme conditions, from clothing to transport. This was a rewarding experience for the girls as they encountered a ‘snowstorm,’ enjoyed a 4D theatre show, undertook a journey over obstacles in the Hagglund vehicle - and got to cuddle cute huskies! 

On Tuesday, the students took part in an educational session at Rutherford’s Den and the Museum. Here, they learnt about atoms, inventions and innovations, and immigration and refugees, which linked back to their studies in Science and Social Studies. They enjoyed the many hands-on activities, such as inspecting the early Maori tools and exploring the changes in technology over time.

The following day, the students enjoyed a day with the friendly staff and students of Selwyn House School. In the morning, some students took part in debating workshops, leading to participating in friendly debates, while other students were involved in music workshops. Both choirs and orchestras joined together and learnt new pieces which they performed to everyone before lunch. The girls also did a sensational drumming performance on bongos and chairs.

To finish the busy morning, Selwyn House School students performed a segment of their recent school production and the Saint Kentigern girls performed their ShowQuest dance – it was great to see the girls perform with great energy and enthusiasm. In the afternoon, the girls competed in Football, Netball and Tennis, with Saint Kentigern winning every game. Well done girls!

The girls were billeted out by Selwyn House School students, which has resulted in many firm friendships. We were very grateful for the generous and warm hospitality of the staff and families of Selwyn House School - they took very good care of our girls. Some students enjoyed different experiences with their families, like living on a farm and horse riding every afternoon, while others experienced the sites of Christchurch, from gondola rides to beach trips. The weather was fantastic and the people were even better. It will be a week the students will never forget!