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Girls' School

Girls’ School Carol Service

28 November 2017

Girls’ School Carol Service

November 28, 2017 at 2:47 PM

Follow the Star 

‘O Bethlehem Star keep shining, give us faith and hope and love; keep our thoughts forever turning to the Saviour up above. Give us strength and hope and courage to do our best by far, and never falter in our faith, as we watch the Christmas star.’ 

Those who gathered at the Holy Trinity Cathedral last night for the Girls’ School Carol Service were welcomed by The Very Reverend Ann Mills, Dean of the Cathedral. Principal, Ms Juliet Small greeted all our students’ families and invited guests including members of the Trust Board. 

In celebrating the Christmas story, we are reminded that the star led the way. Ms Small proceeded to share a whakatauki, a traditional Maori proverb. She said, ‘Me mātau ki te whetū, i mua i te kōkiri o te haere. Before you set forth on a journey, be sure you know the stars.’ 

Reverend Reuben Hardie gave the call to worship before the congregation stood to join soloists, Sharmaine Tapling and Lily-Kate Umaga in singing ‘Once in Royal David’s City.’ Year 8 student, Grace Paul set the theme for the service which focussed on ‘Follow the Star’. Year 4 student, Gabriella Lamb continued with ‘When Christ our Lord was born at Bethlehem afar, although ‘twas night, there shone as bright as noon, a star, never so brightly, never so whitely, shone the stars as on that night. The brightest star went on and led the way. To the holy child asleep on the hay.’

The Preschool students made their way to the front to perform ‘Twinkle Little Star’. They impressed the audience as the sung their song in English, Maori and French. As the service continued, the girls progressed through their readings and songs, including a whole school song with Year 7 student, Arya Blackler playing the flute. Head Girl, Lola Wiltshire, along with her mother Mrs Wiltshire presented the seventh and eighth readings, continuing the Christmas story.   

As the Girls’ School Performers’ Choir sang ‘O Holy Night’ and ‘Ave Maria’, the Year 1 students came down the aisle in pairs to create a nativity scene at the front of the church. The ‘three wise men’ following on to present their gifts to the ’New Born King’. Reverend Hardie then addressed the congregation, saying when the stress of Christmas starts to occur, we must remember to ‘Follow the Star’ and to remember what Christ sacrificed for us. To add a little more ‘sparkle’ to the evening, the Rev explained that over the weekend he travelled all around Auckland to find 250 glow stick stars! The students held them high as the audience were asked to switch on their phone’s flashlights and the Christmas tree was lit. Lastly, the Reverend’s vestment was lit with Christmas lights to attain the right ‘amount of sparkle,’ which was so unexpected, it caused an eruption of laughter.

The girls prepared gifts for the Dingwall Trust and these were presented during the service. As they were brought forward School Council Prefect, Sharmaine Tapling said ‘Once again this Christmas, we hope that these gifts will start a smile that glows as bright as the star over Bethlehem.’

Deputy Head Girl Zoe White said a prayer of thanks before the Year 8 students the came forward to receive their Leavers’ Candle from, Ms Small and Mrs Dobson. This is a poignant moment for the girls and their families as their time at the School has come to an end. The congregation sang ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ as the girls lined up at the front, to lead out of the church ahead of our guests.


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