Girls' School Carol Service
Girls' School Carol Service
December 06, 2012 at 2:15 PM
At this year’s Girls’ School family carol service, held for the second year in the very beautiful surrounds of St Mary’s Church adjacent to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Parnell, the Saint Kentigern congregation was welcomed by The Reverend Sarah Stevens, assistant priest at the Cathedral, who said she hoped that as we joined in worship, this would be a place where we could find peace.
In the frenzy that surrounds Christmastime for many, and with the inevitable ‘busyness’ that builds up to the end of the school year, it becomes a time when we can feel rushed or over-committed. Jobs pile up, lists are made and we keep eyeing the calendar counting the days we have left to complete ‘things’ before Christmas. The message during the course of the service was to slow down and find peace for ourselves at this special time - and then to think of those in other corners of the world who may be suffering and to hope that we can do our part in spreading a message of peace, hope and love. In her opening welcome, Principal, Mrs Sandra Hastie said that, ‘Peace is a word that is needed so much in this world of ours. A simple yet powerful word that can change the lives of many and one that we continue to pray and hope for - that peace can be in our world and for all children.’
Year 3 student, Vivian Pettigrove, opened the readings with, ‘Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill is to have the real Spirit of Christmas.’ Following on our Preschool children, resplendent in their uniforms and all holding a symbol of peace – a white feathered dove – melted hearts as they sang their carol, ‘It’s peace that brings us all together, with peace there’s no room for enemies. It’s the peace from above that fills us all with love, peace to you and peace to me.’
As the service continued to unfold, the girls through their readings, songs and actions delivered a message of finding peace and love at Christmastime. Once again the girls prepared hampers for the Dingwall Trust and these were presented during the service. As the gifts were brought forward, student council leader, Noratisha Abdulla said, ‘The joy of brightening other lives with gifts becomes for us, the magic of Christmas. We hope they bring peace and joy to the children at Dingwall Trust.’
In another special heart-melting moment of joy and reverence, the Year 1 students came forward to create an angelic nativity scene with the three ‘wise men’ following on to present their gifts to the ‘new born king.’
Accompanied by Dr Michael Jenkins on the organ, the choir sang many beautiful carols, including ‘Let the Earth Resound’ with the staff choir and Claire Hofman on trumpet. As the congregation joined as one to sing, ‘O Come all Ye Faithful’, the Year 8 Leavers came forward to receive their Leaver’s Scarf from the Junior Girls and light their Saint Kentigern Leavers’ candles marking their final chapel service.
In his final words, our Chaplain to the Schools, Reverend Reuben Hardie, encouraged us this Christmas to ‘Live one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time and accepting even mayhem as a pathway to peace.’
We give thanks to Reverend Reuben Hardie, Mrs Nicola Brown, Dr Michael Jenkins, Mrs Janine Bennett and Mrs Judith Dobson for their work in preparing this service with the girls.