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Girls' School

Girls Experience Commedia Dell'arte

13 March 2015

Girls Experience Commedia Dell'arte

March 13, 2015 at 10:13 AM

IMG_8994.jpgIt was a treat of drama delight yesterday for the Year 7 and Year 8 Saint Kentigern Girls’ students. The girls participated in a Commedia Dell’arte workshop which is a form of improvised theatre, known as ‘Italian Comedy’ that started in Italy 400 years ago.

The workshop was run by Lisa Brickell, a Commedia expert who has studied drama in Paris and specialised in Commedia at Kiklos Theatre School in Italy. This style of drama revolves around stock characters which are used in a range of improvised scenarios. It was a unique opportunity for the students to see Lisa perform these characters and teach them the art involved in acting them. 

The girls loved the opportunity to explore the physical elements of the character and play with these. They were introduced to mask work and had the chance to see how they bring the characters to life. It was wonderful to see the girls engage with the genre and have fun extending their acting skills.