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Gifted Awareness Week Photography Competition

30 August 2016

Gifted Awareness Week Photography Competition

August 30, 2016 at 8:00 AM

Earlier in the term, during Gifted Awareness Week, students were set a challenge to capture a photographic image that represented the theme of ‘Belonging’ – being accepted, included and connected. There were some very strong entries and many different interpretations of the theme across the age groups! 

Judged by Gifted Education Advocate, Mrs Catherine Watts and photography teacher, Mr Chris Ashforth, a winner and runner up were selected from both the Middle and Senior Schools. 

Middle School winner, Crystal Chen impressed the judges with her sunset image of people gathered together at a famous New Zealand landmark. They liked her creative use of composition, framing, a strong foreground and use of silhouette combined to create a compelling image. 

Middle School runner up, Leon Chaplow’s image depicts a personal connection between two orang-utans, relating well to the theme. A decisive moment was captured with creative use of framing and diagonal line.

Senior School winner, Hannah Williams’ image depicted a bond between a boy and his dog. A deliberate use of tone and texture also suggests ‘oneness with nature.’ This was a strong composition with creative use of high angle and framing. 

Senior School runner up, Elise Hinomoto’s image depicts the final moment of the last piece of a 1000-piece jig saw puzzle being completed. It ties into the theme of belonging through a sense of connection and inclusion. She showed creative use of composition and abstraction – as the message emerges only after looking at the image closely.

Well done to all the entrants, especially the winners! 

Middle School Winners
First Prize: Crystal Chen
Runner up: Leon Chaplow 

Senior School Winners
First Prize: Hannah Williams
Runner up: Elise Hinomoto