The Friendship Tree
The Friendship Tree
June 02, 2020 at 12:58 PM
When we think of the word ‘family’, values such as Love, Service and Respect tend to spring to mind…
When current and past students describe the Girls’ School, they often refer to it as one ‘big family.’ Why? Because they also share these values. Whether it is through their Peer Support and Big Sister Programmes, or simply by the small initiatives that happen each day, the girls consistently demonstrate Love, Service and Respect for one another.
The ‘Friendship Tree’ is a good example of this. The initiative suggested by Year 8 student, Holly Scoones came about during Level 2 Lockdown, when Holly and her ‘bubble’ friends were discussing what they could do around the school to help their peers. Holly noticed a couple of new students had joined the Girls’ School ‘family’ and thought how hard it would be for them to start a new school. From there, the ‘Friendship Tree’ began.
The ‘Friendship Tree’ is a space where students can make new friends and sit and eat their lunch with a Year 8 student. Holly said the girls are guaranteed to find a friendly face to talk to and that she wants everyone to be excited to come to school and to be a part of a bigger family.
‘I have created a rotating roster for each day of the week, where there are always two or three Year 8 students in the area, ready to talk to anyone who chooses to sit on the cushions under the tree.’
Holly said the initiative has worked well so far and that it is a good way to put the values of Love, Service and Respect into practice. ‘The Year 8 students will show Love by caring for their peers, Service by giving up their time to be with their peers, and Respect by respecting their privacy in every conversation.’
What a great idea and way to start Term 2. Well done Holly!