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Girls' School

Five girls appearing in Seussical the Musical

03 June 2015

Five girls appearing in Seussical the Musical

June 03, 2015 at 1:19 PM

Congratulations to five Girls’ School students who are appearing in the upcoming production of Seussical the Musical produced by the National Youth Theatre Company.  Scarlett Jacques, Ava Beca, Pippa Morris, Layla Jacques and Zahra Abeysekera take on a variety of roles including lead characters.

The show is being performed on Thursday 2 – Saturday 4 July at the Aotea Centre. There are three public shows sold through Ticketmaster, but also four shows that are especially for groups of school children to attend.  There is a special reduced price of $8.50 each for these school shows which can be booked by emailing

For Public Shows:
For School Shows: