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First place for College Pipes and Drums

17 February 2014

First place for College Pipes and Drums

February 17, 2014 at 2:53 PM

IMG_3986.JPGIt was a hot and sunny Northland Saturday when the Pipes & Drums of Saint Kentigern College proudly competed to win first place in the Juvenile Grade (Under 19's) at the Auckland Provincial Pipe Band Championships. The band fended off a strong challenge this year from the City of Auckland Pipe Band to maintain their title for a record seven consecutive years.  The band also competed in the adult division of the competition in Grade 4, placing 2nd in the drumming and 4th overall which was another pleasing result. Special mention should be made of the 2014 leaders: Andre Mason - Pipe Major, Jack Stewart - Drum Major and Nathan Walker - Leading Side Drummer who showed leadership in both attitude and performance throughout the day. The newest members of the Pipes & Drums also showed diligence and determination in their first ever competition events.

This year the competition was held at the Caledonian Park, in the famous old Scottish settlement of Waipu which has long been a focus for clan gatherings. On this occasion our pipers and drummers met a number of our past students, playing in other pipe bands, assisting with event organisation and judging - a strong sign that the traditions and culture instilled into our students continue on with them long after they graduate.