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Girls' School

Father Daughter Breakfast

30 August 2017

Father Daughter Breakfast

August 30, 2017 at 3:30 PM

‘A daughter may outgrow your lap but she will never outgrow your heart.’
‘Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.’ 

It was an early start for our girls this morning but it was well worth it as they got to spend it with someone very precious to them – their fathers. The Girls’ School hosted their annual Father and Daughter Breakfast at Ellerslie Events Centre, where the girls spent some quality time with their dads while sharing a delicious breakfast. 

Principal, Ms Juliet Small welcomed our girls, their fathers and grandfathers, and members of the Trust Board. With the opportunity presented, Ms Small introduced the new chairman of the Trust Board, Mr John Kernohan and the Head of Saint Kentigern, Mr David Hodge. Ms Small addressed the fathers in the audience saying, ‘What I see here this morning is absolute commitment from you all to your daughters. Thank you for supporting the girls learning, for driving them to practices, for helping them with homework and for being their greatest support and advocate! Thank you for believing in them.’ 

After grace, said by our Head Girl, Lola Wiltshire, our guests enjoyed a warm hearty breakfast. Following the meal, Mrs Judith Dobson introduced the guest speaker for the morning, Mrs Dianne Levy who is a counsellor, family therapist and the author of bestselling book ‘Of course I love you…NOW GO TO YOUR ROOM.’ Mrs Levy said that the relationship between a father and a daughter is a very protective one. She said that her father led her to believe that there is nothing she couldn’t achieve as long as she worked hard enough. She said, ‘Some years after my father passed away, I was fortunate to have an excellent step dad and I learnt a lot from his strengths too. My step dad showed me by example with service to others, that no request for help should be turned away, and those of us who have the means should be generous in our philanthropy.’ She told the girls to use this morning as a chance to think about their father’s strengths, to value them and remember to let them know what you appreciate about them. 

It was then time for the spot prizes, with a person from each table receiving Mrs Levy’s Book. As names were drawn out of a hat, some lucky dads were spoilt with products provided by generous sponsors. After a big hug from dad, the girls filed onto the buses to take them to school.

A big thankyou to our wonderful sponsors for this event: Vanessa Mowlem from Ray White who donated money and the gift bags on each table. Caroline Paull-Leighton from the Travel Specialists who donated a $250 travel gift voucher. Maddie Thibaud from MaddieAboutYou Photography who offered a family portrait session. The Higgins family who donated a 25-piece screwdriver set. Brett Webster who donated six fire extinguishers and smoke detectors from Fire Control Systems and the Saint Kentigern Old Collegians Association who are always generous sponsors each year! Also, our sincere thanks to Denise Nel, Liz Lim and Rebecca Scoones from the Parents and Friends Association for organising such a special event.


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