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Farewell, Reverend David Smith

04 June 2024

After 21 years of devoted service to Saint Kentigern, Reverend David Smith, affectionately known as ‘the Rev,’ marked his final day at the College on 30 May. His tenure was celebrated by current and former staff, students, and his family during a special morning tea and a full school assembly. 

During the staff morning tea, Trust Board Chair Mark Conelly and College Principal Damon Emtage, expressed their deep gratitude to Reverend Smith for his spiritual leadership over the years. He has been a steadfast presence at our Pakuranga Campus, providing support and care to staff, students, alumni and the community. While a sense of subdued sadness lingered, the room filled with laughter as those in attendance reminisced about unforgettable moments, including Field Centre mishaps and boarding antics. In a light-hearted exchange, College Director of Campus Life and Special Character, Duncan McQueen, presented the Rev with a lifetime entry into the College Ceilidh, an event the Rev acknowledged wasn’t quite his predilection, yet he was ever-present and faithfully participated over the years.

Rev’s Saint Kentigern roots run deep. At the assembly, he was presented with a Celtic Cross commemorating his dedicated service to the school. Additionally, he was gifted a Kōwhai tree as a symbol of trust in his abilities and judgment, and a pounamu necklace, offered by Bruce House Head Boy, Benjamin Moughan.

Throughout his time at the College, Rev had played a crucial role in championing our Presbyterian and Christian faith through his life and work. With his unique ability to communicate and connect with people of all ages, in both his sermons at Chapel services and many other occasions and engagements across the College, he has become an integral and highly respected member of the community. 

One individual profoundly impacted by the Rev was 2023 Deputy Head Boy, George Turner. George returned to perform his original song "Bleed Blue" in the Rev’s honour. The beautiful acoustic song evoked nostalgia that resonated with everyone in the assembly.

Reverend Smith has led by example through his involvement in many important aspects of campus life. His leadership in developing the College’s extensive service programme has provided opportunities for thousands of students to put service into action and discover their 'best selves.' He also served as Head of Boarding for over three years, significantly enhancing the culture of Bruce House. As a long-standing member of the Senior Leadership Team, he has overseen the College’s extensive calendar of activities and major events, including the Senior Ball and Year 13 Graduation celebrations. Reverend Smith was also an active contributor to the teaching and learning of Christian Education. With his passion for co-curricular activities and sports, he managed the 1st XI Cricket Team, scored for the Premier Netball Team, and spent countless weekends on the side-lines encouraging and supporting our young people.

Moving into a new chapter, Reverend Smith has begun to serve as the Minister at Somervell Presbyterian Church in Remuera. We thank Rev for his faithful service to Saint Kentigern and wish him all the very best in his ministry as he moves to serve the congregation of Somervell Church.