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Girls' School

Farewell to Our Year 8 Girls’ School Graduates

26 November 2020

Farewell to Our Year 8 Girls’ School Graduates

November 26, 2020 at 12:05 PM

Students, parents, staff, Trust Board Members and invited guests gathered at Sorrento in the Park last night to reflect on the time that the Year 8 girls have spent at Girls’ School, as they ready themselves for the next step in their education.

Principal Ms Juliet Small warmly welcomed the guests to the Graduation Dinner before Hayden Butler and Old Collegians’ representative, Laura Porter gave their message to the girls.

Hayden congratulated the girls on all that they have achieved and thanked them for their service. He also encouraged the girls to stay in touch with one another and to continue to strive for excellence in all that they do. Laura welcomed the girls to the Old Collegians Association and encouraged the girls to take every opportunity that comes their way, leaving the girls with the quote ‘to win the race, you have got to be in the race.’

College Head Girl, Lulu Denholm spoke to the girls about reflecting on the year that has been and how to put a positive spin on it. She encouraged the girls to pause and write down things that they are thankful for - their 'teachers, parents and the ability to live in New Zealand and attend Saint Kentigern'. She finished by stating, ‘despite the challenges of this year, don't write 2020 off, but rather write it down and be thankful for it’.

Following dinner, the girls mixed and mingled, seeking signatures on their white and blue Graduation Bears before guest speaker and Actress, Anna Jullienne gave her address. Anna spoke to the girls about her journey as an actress and featuring on the likes of 'Shortland Street' and 'Mean Mums'. She mentioned the highs and lows and encouraged the girls to pursue their dreams, to stay resilient and to never give up hope. She expressed the importance of following a career path that brings you joy daily and always keep a positive attitude.

With the night coming to an end, Ms Small concluded by wishing the girls luck on their new adventure and advised them to always remember to ‘be yourself’, before handing out their leaving bracelet and rose, gifted from the Old Collegians Association.

After receiving their gifts, the girls sang a blessing before sitting down to watch a slideshow of memories and photos put together by staff.

The girls and guests had a wonderful evening and shared many hugs and tears on their departure.

Click here to view the gallery.