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Farewell to our Year 13 Graduates of 2020

06 November 2020

Farewell to our Year 13 Graduates of 2020

November 06, 2020 at 1:48 PM

This year’s cohort of Year 13 students spent a final morning at College today, firstly attending Chapel where they were welcomed into the ranks of the Old Collegians by President of the Old Collegians, Hayden Butler, along with recent Old Collegian, Sam Ashton. Both spoke fondly of their College days and the importance of students maintaining their Saint Kentigern networks as they move on in life.

In addressing the students, College Principal, Mr Russell Brooke acknowledged that this was an emotional day for the students as they begin their transition from school to the next stage of their lives. He also said it was an emotional day for the teachers as they farewelled so many students they had seen learn and grow!

Pipers, David Liu (Year 13) and Finlay Montgomerie (Year 12), and drummer, Ryosuke Murayama (Year 13), led the graduates to the No 1 Sports Field for what has become an annual tradition. With good planning, a large, human 2020 quickly unfolded on the field, as the students organised themselves into the giant numbers for an aerial photo.

It was then on to Bruce House to enjoy a substantial brunch before the boys received their Old Collegian’s ties and the girls their tartan scarves, which they are all encouraged to wear to their final formal functions of the year in December.

For now, we wish our departing Year 13s all the very best as they take advantage of these last few days of study leave in preparation for their final exams. We will look forward to gathering with them again at prizegiving and their Graduation Dinner later in the term.

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