Farewell Mrs Sorrell
Farewell Mrs Sorrell
April 17, 2018 at 11:54 AM
A special morning tea was held at the Boys’ School today to farewell long-serving staff member, Anne Sorrell who retires after 19 years as a faithful servant of the Saint Kentigern community.
Ann joined the Boy’s School 19 years ago, taking on a class of ‘robust’ Year 1 boys. Three years later she began her ‘Reading Recovery journey,’ eventually leading to a new vocation as she helped countless young boys over the years on the road for early literacy success.
Described as someone with infinite patience for her young charges, she said that she had found ‘the best job in the world’ as it allowed her to undertake professional development, resulting in a degree later in life, and the exploration of many additional programmes designed to help children with learning difficulties. She said that the most important thing she discovered is the importance of the relationship between a child and his teacher, and the impact that can have on a child’s progress. She said, ‘Those relationships are very close and there are many memorable and humorous moments that I will take away with me.’
Looking back on her career, it is no doubt the achievement of her pupils that gives Anne the greatest sense of accomplishment as she retires. We wish Anne all the best for her retirement and thank her for her 19 years of commitment to Saint Kentigern.