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Fantastic Medal Haul Again for Robotics Teams!

15 August 2016

Fantastic Medal Haul Again for Robotics Teams!

August 15, 2016 at 1:52 PM

The Old Collegians Sports Centre was a hive of activity over the weekend as dozens of Robotics teams from around the region gathered to compete in this year’s Robocup Challenge. The competition involved quickly programming robots to navigate different challenges or, in the case of the soccer section, to play against an opposing team to kick an infrared transmitting ball into a designated goal! This year, Saint Kentigern was represented by teams from both the College and the Boys’ School who put their robots through their paces resulting in a swag of medals! 

Students who undertake robotics are challenged to be creative in their design of programs and to develop excellent problem solving skills. The competition encompasses not only engineering and IT skills but also encourages sportsmanship, the sharing of ideas and teamwork.  We were delighted that our teams claimed a significant number of awards, including a second place for a team from the Boys’ School.

The Robotics Club at the College has flourished in the last four years, engaging participants from Years 7 to 13, with interested students joining in the lunchtime sessions. At the Boys’ School, Robotics is taught as part of the Technology curriculum to students in Years 6-8, capturing the imagination of the boys.

The first place winners from the College now have the chance to compete against the winners of all regions at the Nationals being held at the College in September. We wish them all the very best! 


College Teams 

Premier Rescue:
1st: Daniel Mar, Andrew Chen, Josh Ng
2nd: Samuel Ou and Cameron Signal

Senior Rescue:
1st: Joseph Chan, Owen Chen, Simon Sung, Winston Zhang

Junior Rescue:
2nd: Jacob Attwood, Ethan Fung, James McKelvie

Senior Soccer:
1st: Daniel Mar, Andrew Chen, Josh Ng, Nicholas Scott

Boys’ School Team

Junior Soccer 
2nd: Ethan Ivanier, Marcus Findlow, Alex Facer, James Pilcher



Fantastic Medal Haul Again for Robotics Teams!

August 15, 2016 at 1:52 PM