Excellence Honoured at Prizegiving
Excellence Honoured at Prizegiving
December 12, 2023 at 4:37 PM
In the culminating event of the Girls’ School calendar year, the Girls’ School community gathered to acknowledge and applaud individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and achieved noteworthy success in academics, sports, and cultural endeavours throughout the year.
Deputy Principal Miss Jill Wahlstrom, in her opening address, extended a warm welcome to esteemed guests, parents, and, most importantly, students, expressing gratitude for their exceptional contributions throughout the academic year.
Deans from the Junior School, Middle School, and Senior Schools subsequently took the stage to recognize our top academic achievers. Members of the Saint Kentigern Trust Board, Mrs. Kim McGregor and Dr Catherine Harri, alongside Executive Trustee Dr Kevin Morris, took turns presenting the awards.
Principal Ms Juliet Small, reflecting on her words from the 2016 Piper, articulated her goal for the girls at Saint Kentigern to, “be strong, competent young women who know their own mind and who can contribute to society with confidence, generosity and ability.” Citing highlights from the year, including an outstanding production of Annie JR. and remarkable conversations with gold service award candidates, Ms Small expressed confidence in leaving the school in a position to continue thriving.
The ceremony continued with the presentation of awards for exceptional achievements in performing arts and sports, culminating in the highly anticipated Special Awards, encompassing service awards and the top three distinctions: Dux, Proxime Accessit, and Sportswoman of the Year.
Interwoven with musical interludes from the school orchestra, performances by the Highland Belles, and an entertaining drama excerpt from Anne of Green Gables featuring ‘Miss Hannigans’ Kara Scouller and Rosie Bilkey, the formalities of the morning were both engaging and celebratory.
Graduating Deputy Head Girl, Sophia Evans, and Head Girl, Amelia Hardie, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the school before passing on the mantle of leadership to the 2023 Deputy Head Girl, Ella Fox and Head Girl, Farrah Palmer.
In a concluding address, Dr Morris made a special announcement. He extended gratitude to Ms Small for her outstanding contributions to the Girls’ School and announced the renaming of the ‘social stairs’ to the ‘Ms Juliet Small Stairs’ in her honour. This legacy will serve as a reminder to current students of the school's foundation principal at Shore Road, fostering collaboration and relished moments of play in the atrium.
Special Awards
DUX: Rushian (Bella) Chen
Proxime Accessit: Olivia Tan
Sportswoman of the Year: Morgan Day
Remuera Lions’ Citizenship Award Molly Boyd
Seini Vainikolo
Preschool Cup for Service to the Preschool Isobel Horne
Junior School Cup for Service to the Junior School Farrah Palmer
Gillian Eadie Cup for Entrepreneurial Skills Anessa Thompson
The Roberts Trophy for Resilience and Perseverence Rosie Bilkey
Dr Sandra K Hastie Cup for School Spirit Ruby Bryson
The Lightfoot Cup for Citizenship Sessilis Tu’akalau
Somervell Presbyterian Church Cup for services to Chapel Sophie Henderson
The Gaudeamus Cup for making a difference Sophia Evans