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Boys' School

Entrepreneurial Efforts for Boys' School

05 July 2013

Entrepreneurial Efforts for Boys' School

July 05, 2013 at 2:34 PM

IMG_0129.JPGThe quad was buzzing with excited boys proudly manning their stalls and promoting their entrepreneurial products for sale at the annual Year 7 Boys’ School Market Day.

The boys had been working very hard towards the much anticipated occasion, and had been closely studying running a small business over the past 6-7 weeks as part of the Social Sciences curriculum.

Working in small groups which included a nominated CEO, accountant, marketer and designer, they were responsible for the launch of their business from product conception to retail and included market research, prototype design, marketing plan, budget, mass production and auction of stall location.

With an added element of thrill, a few weeks earlier the aspiring entrepreneurs had featured in a classroom style Dragon’s Den, where they pitched their profitable business ideas to parent ‘Dragons’. Only this time rather than seeking funds for their business, the boys were looking for some sage advice from the scrutinising Dragons.

Originality was at its fore with the currency of the day being ‘Kents’ - minted clay coins the boys had also designed and fired in the kiln to set. Each boy was granted 25 Kents to spend on their peers’ inventions, while for the first time this year parents and friends exchanged cash for Kents at the ‘Bank’.

The boys really did set the standard that continued through all the teams with an impressive array of original inventions and creative advertising. Their completed business plan slideshows and financial spread sheets are to be audited by Year 7 teacher Joe Johansen across prize categories such as best stall, marketing, customer service, quality and original product, along with overall most profitable business.

Approximately $1,800.00 was raised on the day which is to be put towards the wooden booths for the Boys’ School made by the technology teachers, and also an end of 2013 social event for the Year 7 students.

Inventions included:
‘Toppers’ – pen/pencil character ends in the Saint Kentigern house colours
‘Sonic Boom’ – iPod sound amplifiers
‘Paper Crafts’ – Mini Miners and Saint Kentigern Boys’ Minecraft figurines
‘Mini Masters’ - clay figurines
‘Spray Paints R Us’ – spray painted stencils
‘Pouch Mania’ – felt iPod pouches
‘Micro Franks’ – fortune dice and bookmarks