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An Easter Visitor at the Preschool

27 March 2013

An Easter Visitor at the Preschool

March 27, 2013 at 1:54 PM

IMG_1344.JPGIt was an exciting morning for our preschoolers as they awaited the arrival of a special visitor – the Easter Bunny. The children invited him to join mat time to hear them sing the ‘Mr Bunny looks funny’ song before he led the children on a neighbourhood walk along Remuera and Ranui Roads, before stopping to visit the Girls’ School during morning tea.

Back at Preschool, the Bunny explained that he had hidden eggs for each of the children out in the garden. There would be one big egg and two small eggs, one gold and one red, for each to find. The children were handed special egg collecting containers and, with great anticipation, the children rushed outside to join the hunt.  Once each had found the right amount of eggs, the children were invited for a photo opportunity with the Bunny.  The children thought it was a great morning!