Dr Anneka Rene Awarded Doctorate
Dr Anneka Rene Awarded Doctorate
November 04, 2019 at 10:52 AM
It’s not only our students, but also our teachers who achieve significant academic milestones during their time at Saint Kentigern. Dr Anneka Rene is one of our Social Studies and Classics Studies teachers at the College who has completed her PhD in Ancient History at The University of Auckland this year.
Dr Rene’s thesis was titled, ‘Cavalrymen of Ancient Greece’ and explored the nature and position of the ancient Greek cavalryman in fifth century BC Athenian society. Often simplistically defined by modern scholars as ‘an oligarchic entity, whose interests ran counter to the city’s democracy,’ Dr Rene researched and analysed literature, iconography and archaeology to achieve her PhD and graduate this year.
With the support of the College, teachers are encouraged to apply for further study and professional development on an annual basis. The Trust Board encouraged the completion of Dr Rene’s PhD, whilst teaching full-time. An extra challenge on top of her full-time work was also becoming a new mother, making it even more impressive that she finished two years earlier than expected for part-time PhD students!
Dr Rene is hugely thankful to the Saint Kentigern community for their support, particularly that of Principal, Suzanne Winthrop and the Trust Board. She was granted a Saint Kentigern Staff Tertiary Scholarship to support her studies. She is continuing to pursue further academic endeavours in writing for journals and moderating for NZQA as a Panel Leader this year.
In this next academic year, there will be new bursaries and sabbaticals allocated to teaching staff which we will keep you updated with.