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Debating Win for Premiers!

04 April 2018

Debating Win for Premiers!

April 04, 2018 at 2:19 PM

Prior to Easter, our Premier Debating teams competed in the Auckland Regional Debating championships - regarded as the most prestigious and demanding debating tournament of the year. 

The College entered two teams in the competition, with both teams winning the majority of their debates on the first day of competition, securing them a place in the Sunday ‘knockout’ round. 

Our Premier 2 team, comprising Henry Ewen, Daniel Mar and Ben Fraser, reached the quarter final, only to be knocked out of contention by fellow College debaters, our Premier 1 team! 

From there, the Premier 1 team of Andrew Chen, Ben Shepherd and Abigail Pool talked up a veritable storm, winning every debate, finally leading them to a spot in the Grand Final to face Macleans College, a very worthy adversary. 

Our students successfully affirmed ‘This House would treat assaults on the sports field as criminal offences’ and in a close but clear victory, took the Clare Ryan Cup. This is the second time in three years that a Saint Kentigern team has won this cup, a testament to the skill and strength of our College debaters. 

Premier 1 team member, Abigail Pool was recognised as a top speaker in the tournament and named in the Auckland Regional Team as an outstanding third speaker. Ben Fraser, of Premier 2, was also recognised and named in the Auckland Development Squad – a pool of talented Year 12 speakers who will receive extra training.  These selections affirm the quality of speakers we have in our College squad, currently being coached by Old Collegian, Arun Prakash, a talented former College debater.