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Composer and Quartet Workshops at College

16 May 2014

Composer and Quartet Workshops at College

May 16, 2014 at 2:09 PM

Senior school music students have been given the fantastic opportunity of working with both a professional string quartet from the Auckland Philharmonia and professional composer, Mr Andrew Baldwin.

The venture was a result of the College taking part in the APO’s education programme. In the first week, the quartet spent five hours at the College. During the first session they workshopped the students' compositions and provided feedback while composer, Mr Baldwin assisted. 

In the week following, the students completed their compositions with the help of Mr Baldwin and the pieces were recorded by the quartet on their return to the College a week later.

Mr Baldwin graduated with a Masters Degree in Composition from the Royal College of Music, London. He has spent two weeks at the College as a Composer in Residence, helping students during class and composing a piece for the College Concert Band.