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Girls' School

Colour for a Cause

20 June 2018

Colour for a Cause

June 20, 2018 at 1:37 PM

On a grey, drizzly day, the Girls’ School cut a bright swathe of colour as they walked along Remuera Road to Chapel at Somervell Church this morning. Neat and tidy in their formal uniforms, they were a sea of blue from shoulders down, but their usual navy blue winter berets had been set aside for a parade of wild and funky hair dos blowing in the wind!

Wigs of every shade and style entered the church in support of Wig Wednesday, the nationwide appeal for the Child Cancer Foundation, to raise funds to provide practical, financial and emotional support to Kiwi children with cancer and their families.

Principal, Ms Small made her mark in a ‘Tina Turner-esque’ shocking pink wig, living up to the image when she picked up her guitar to accompany the waiata!

Reverend Reuben Hardie, resplendent this year with blonde dreadlocks, tailored his sermon to a sea of multi-coloured heads in the congregation, speaking about ‘being true to yourself’ and not hiding behind a mask.

The girls definitely got everyone’s attention as they made the repeat journey back to school waiting at the traffic lights to cross the road as rush hour traffic whizzed by!

Whilst there was fun to be had in admiring each other’s chosen locks, the fundraising was for a serious, heart-felt cause. Sadly there are many children throughout New Zealand who are or have been affected by cancer and one of the devastating side effects of treatment can be the loss of hair.

The Child Cancer Foundation provides strength and comfort to families, parents and children impacted by child cancer; they provide strength in times of doubt, comfort in times of sadness and celebration in times of joy. Every family’s experience is different and so is the support they receive - that support is powered by the funds raised by people like us.

Well done to the Girls’ School community for getting behind this cause and helping to raise both money and awareness for the Child Cancer Foundation.