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College Year 7 Science Fair Winners

17 August 2021

College Year 7 Science Fair Winners

August 17, 2021 at 12:13 PM

The College Year 7 students put their research and science skills to the test over the course of last few weeks as they prepared their Science Fair projects ready for assessing.

A diverse range of imaginative pieces went on display for examination by a panel of judges last week. With plenty of original ideas for the judges to peruse, the winning projects were selected based on the students’ abilities to carry out repeated scientific measurements, fair testing, analysis of the results, returning to reflect on the hypothesis and the consideration of any experimental errors.

It was clear from the project boards that a good line of questioning and learning had taken place and that the students had been diligent collecting their data.

Acknowledging that cities are noisy places, ‘Quiet Please,’ by Eleanor Young was chosen as the winning project. Eleanor investigated which building materials are best at blocking different sounds, proving her hypothesis that gib board provided the best overall sound proofing.

In second place, ‘The Vanishing Act,’ Tallulah Hutchens investigation explored biodegradability, and whether paper plates that are advertised as compostable and biodegradable, break down any faster than regular paper plates – discovering that the standard plate breaks down the fastest!

Lucas Wang was awarded third place for ‘Sunscreen vs UV,’ with his investigation into which brand of 50 SPF sunscreen provides the best protection. Hypothesising that the most expensive ought to provide the best protection, he found this to be incorrect and the supermarket brand was equally effective.

A further six students were awarded Highly Commended for a range of projects from ‘Which fabric dries the fastest’ to which colour of artificial light attracts insects and whether crossed springs on a trampoline provide a higher bounce!

In Years 7-10 at the College, girls and boys are in single gender classrooms and taught separately in all their core subjects, including science, but the final Year 7 Science Fair projects were pooled for judging. The Year 7 science projects were judged initially within each class before the final winners were selected from all Year 7 classes. The selected winners will now go on to the regional NIWA Science Fair – good luck!



1st           Eleanor Young                  Quiet Please

2nd          Tallulah Hutchens            Vanishing Act

3rd          Lucas Wang                       Sunscreen vs UV



Euan Hooi                          Which Fabric Dries Fastest

Laura Koeman                  Insect Illuminator

Josh Eaton                         To Cross or not to Cross

William Beck                     Cancerous Aluminium

Suzy Toresen                     Stretchy Skins

Jessica Corbett                 Solar vs Wind


Special mention:

Sarina Tong                       Grease to Glow

Jack Thorburn                   Peculiar Pansies and Peels