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College Year 7 Grandparents Day

18 November 2019

College Year 7 Grandparents Day

November 18, 2019 at 2:25 PM

Grandparents of our Year 7 students visited the College last week to get an insight into some of their grandchildren’s teaching and learning programmes, some of which are so very different from when they attended school. It was a special morning for all, especially for a couple of students whose grandparents had travelled from as far as South Africa and Romania to spend some time with them. It was also a special morning for old collegian, Christopher John Clark as he took great interest in the development of the College since he attended the College in 1953.

Almost 300 extended family members joined Middle School Principal, Mr McQueen, staff and student leaders for morning tea. Mr McQueen welcomed our guests and thanked the grandparents for attending, reminding them of the vital role they play in their grandchildren’s lives.

Our Year 7 students waited excitedly to escort their visitors back to their classrooms. Each class devised their own programme for the morning, sharing some of the highlights of the year. Some of the classes shared their musical talents and language skills, performed skits, showcased student-made videos and some spoke about their science fair projects and sporting achievements - the grandparents thoroughly enjoyed this.

After a tour of the campus, the morning concluded with our grandparents being welcomed to a Middle School assembly where they heard from the Pipe Band and watched students receive awards for their achievements this year. Following this, some of our grandparents joined their grandchildren for lunch at the Saints Café.

Grandparents play a very special part in the lives of our students offering not only love, support and moral guidance but, in many cases, also offering the financial resource to ensure their grandchildren have the very best education available to them. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting our special visitors and thank them for joining us for morning of shared experiences. We know the students loved it; we hope you did too!

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