College Year 7 Camp
College Year 7 Camp
March 12, 2021 at 3:16 PM
Following a week-long Covid-19 lockdown, the Year 7 College students waited nervously to see if their much-anticipated camp would go ahead. After being given the green light, the students made their way to Chosen Valley in the Bombay Hills.
Due to level 2 Covid-19 restrictions, the day camp was split into three days – one day for boys, one day for girls and one mixed day. With fortunate weather conditions, the students thoroughly enjoyed stepping out of their comfort zone to try new and challenging activities.
Each day, the students were put into groups and rotated around several activities designed to test their skills and face their fears. All students did exceptionally well and showed great courage. It was great to see confidence build and students moving from slow and steady paces to taking the challenges head-on.
All students were given the opportunity to complete the challenging confidence course, speed down the hill on trolleys, try their hand at archery, make their way around the obstacle course, cross balance island, solve the mysteries of the rope maze, go kayaking and zoom down the water slide!
The camps were characterised by the students being very cooperative and positive. The students showed great teamwork and were very supportive and encouraging to classmates who found an activity challenging. But it still didn’t stop them from having a laugh when others crashed on the trolleys or fell into the ‘eel infested' water under the confidence course!
Our sincere thanks to the camp staff, teachers and parent helpers who made the camp possible. It was an invaluable time for our new Year 7 students to firm up those bonds with their new classmates and teachers, to finish the settling in process and to try a whole range of new and often challenging experiences that pushed them out of their comfort zone.