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College Year 7 Camp 2020

17 March 2020

College Year 7 Camp 2020

March 17, 2020 at 3:38 PM

With thanks to Mr Kevin Taylor, Head of Year 7

The fun-filled, action-packed and mainly sunny Year 7 Camp was once again held at Chosen Valley in the Bombay Hills during the second week of March. We were fortunate to be able to complete this camp just before restrictions were introduced regarding Covid-19. 

Due to our large number of Year 7 students this year, the week was divided into a boys’ camp for their four classes from Monday to Wednesday afternoon, and a girls’ camp for their four classes from Wednesday morning to Friday afternoon. So, Wednesday was a busy changeover day with 170 students and 14 staff and many parents in attendance!

After a summer of near drought conditions, the very first afternoon was spent ‘enjoying’ a gentle rain fall, but it had no effect on the boys as they completed the challenging confidence course, sped down the hill on trolleys, fired at the archery target, made their way around the obstacle course, traversed balance island, solved the mysteries of the rope maze and got even wetter on the water slide. 

Both camps were characterised by the students being very cooperative and positive. The students showed great teamwork and were very supportive and encouraging to fellow classmates who found an activity challenging. But it still didn’t stop them having a good laugh when someone crashed spectacularly on the trolleys or fell into the ‘eel-infested’ water under the confidence course!

The eagerly anticipated inter-House relay, which involved all students completing a leg in one of four teams for their House, was held on Wednesday afternoon. Running, kayaking, skipping, rope mazing, watersliding and swimming kept all involved. Hamilton emerged unexpected winners, with Stark second and Chalmers 3rd. When the four race times were combined for each House, 1st to 6th placing were only separated by a little over one minute in an epic contest. Thanks to the Heads of Houses who came out to support their House during this event.

The mornings were spent learning the camping skills of outdoor cooking, creating paper towers, adventure problem solving and getting in touch with their artistic and creative side. 

In the evenings we enjoyed a movie, the mental challenges of Mastermind and for the girls, an entertaining impromptu camp concert before retiring to the cabins for a well-deserved sleep.

Our sincere thanks to the College Prefects, our Gappy, Kaydi and the Year 8 teachers who came to assist, to the many parents who came to supervise the afternoon rotations, to Mr Duncan and Mr Gage-Brown for all the camping skills and kayaking tuition, to Mrs Jamieson and Mrs Pearson for their invaluable work doing a multitude of tasks, and to our amazing Year 7 teachers who ran such a challenging and fun programme with very little down-time. 

It was an invaluable time for our new Year 7 students to firm up those bonds with their new classmates and teachers, to finish the settling in process and to try a whole range of new and often challenging experiences that pushed them out of their comfort zone.


What did our Year 7 students think about camp?

Annalise Cherrie 7WMW: Chosen Valley was something new for me. I had never been on a trolley, done a rope maze or Tik Tok danced down a waterslide. Camp was like a gigantic sleepover with my friends, who at the start of camp, I barely knew. By the end of camp, I felt like I knew everyone who was in my group and my cabin really well. 

Simon Chen, 7KCT: Camp was an awesome experience. I will never get homesick, it’s just been washed away.

Shelby Cooper 7WMW: Our time at Chosen Valley was probably one of my best experiences I had ever had in my entire life. I helped people out and I learnt that if you hit a corner going downhill on a trolley you can go flying which, to me, was a great experience.

Pierce Flynn, 7YSS: I enjoyed all the activities I participated in, but I mainly enjoyed archery because I learnt how to shoot an arrow from a big bow. Archery has taught me to relax and that focus is the key to everything because if you don’t focus, you’ll not do well.

Katie Hannan7WMW: I was nervous coming into camp. I didn't really know what to expect. But now that it is over, I really feel that I have faced my fears

Braithe Vessey 7KCT: Camp was something way out of my comfort zone, but I pushed on. 

Charlize Kerr 7WMW: Year 7 Camp my first ever school camp and it was better than I could have ever expected! There were so many different varieties of challenges that provided an awesome experience and something new I can take on with me through the rest of my life. Chosen Valley Camp made me think and struggle.

Tim Bacchus, 7YSS: My favourite part of camp was taking part in the kayaking for Wilson, being nominated for the Dream Team and winning the kayaking in the Dream Team Round. 

Ashley Gabriel, 7KJR: The best moment and epic fail of my life was when I attempted the confidence course and the log was wobbling. I backflipped headfirst into the muddy water!

Liam Gordon: 7YSS:The highlight for me at camp was the waterslide, because it felt like you were going really fast and then suddenly you were in the water! I did it so many times, and they even brought out the slingshot!   

Caitlin Hunkin, 7KJR: A challenge for me at camp was the Confidence Course because I am scared of heights but my classmates and the parent helpers were super encouraging.

William Drain, 7KCT: I learnt that to make friends you need to help, be friendly and care.

Scarlett Read, 7PAE: I exceeded my expectations on the confidence course, but feel most proud of the way I supported my friends, cheering them on and jumping in the dirty water to help.

David Cheng, 7KCT: Camp was filled with exhilarating experiences. It helped me build character and make some new friends.

Gabriella Lamb, 7KJR:   By far the most breath-taking part of camp was feeling the wind surge past my ears, then crashing suddenly into the lake on the waterslide.

Matthew Wang, 7GCP: Camp was one of the hardest moments of my life, especially the confidence course which helped me overcome the fear of obstacle courses. I was too scared to go on the red course at first, but I ended up trying the yellow and then completing the other ones.

Max Muliaina, 7GCP: The House Relay was very challenging but cool because we worked together. 

Quentin Lemusu Vuletich, 7GCP: For me, the hardest challenge was trying to control the trolleys. The steering was hard because it was ropes instead of a steering wheel. Luckily, I only crashed once, and it wasn’t bad. 

James Nicholson, 7GCP:  The trolleys were so hard, and I kept rolling over, it needs steering wheel and brakes!  

Kaira Matson, 7KJR: A challenge was standing on a seesaw and focusing for two minutes straight while the big log was wobbling beneath my feet.

Madelyn Quay-Chin, 7KJR:  One of the things I really enjoyed was the rope maze, which I completed blindfolded. I really liked manoeuvring around and listening to my 'guide' as I tried to figure out where I was in the darkness.

Meishu Chen 7MGW: Camp is like a book, after you read it, you will learn a lot and change yourself a lot, but if you don’t change, nothing will change.

Violet Taylor, 7MGW: The trolleys were a challenge but I had a blast, zooming down the hill and having mega-crashes. 

Mia Prescott, 7MGW: For me, my highlight of camp is a fear I overcame of MUD at the Confidence Course! Mud is ugly and disgusting!

Maggy Hu, 7MGW: I overcame my fear of being the worst person at the Confidence Course but because I had so much fun at the activity I didn’t even have time to think about it. 

Ellen Carter, 7MGW: I think that camp was a great opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try things that you have never done before. 

Anika Fletcher, 7MGW: The highlight of camp for me was going down the water slide because I have always been so scared of any type of slide. I was so proud of myself when I did it!

Abi Hanley, 7PAE: Camp was much more fun than I imagined. I learned to manage my time well and focus on others and not just myself.

Ruby Carter, 7PAE: I learned to wait with patience and enjoy the moment by just watching my friends having fun. I don’t mind waiting so much for things anymore.

Jade Cui, 7BFD: My favourite activity was the confidence course. It was challenging but enjoyable. 

Aaron Park, 7BFD: Camp was full of opportunities and a fun time. I found my stamina and strength in my inner self on the confidence course. 

Christopher Allen, 7BFD: I really enjoyed the water slide. It looked scary but it was awesome and cool. 

Kobain Birchall, 7BFD: Plunging into the cold depths of the lake on the water slide was the highlight of camp. 

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