College Year 10's Compete in Tough Guy/Gal Challenge
College Year 10's Compete in Tough Guy/Gal Challenge
June 26, 2014 at 1:36 PM
Not for the faint hearted, this week the College held their second annual Tough Guy/Girl Challenge on a day with ideal weather conditions – the wet, blustery and cold kind! It was a chance for our Kiwi boys and girls to do what they love - getting outdoors and giving it their best shot.
The Challenge for the Year 10 students wraps up the Fit4life unit that they have been studying over Term 2 and will restart in Term 4 which is focused on developing their physical fitness. This is in preparation for their Field Centre outdoor adventure in Tongariro National Park held later on in the year.
Taping their running shoes to avoid them getting sucked off in the estuary mud, the students began the obstacle course from the College lower fields by the rowing sheds. They crawled under cargo nets, climbed over and through obstacles and slid down a couple of soapy water slides to finish with a run across the estuary at low tide.
The students proud smiling faces said it all and as a fun way to end a hardy lunchtime, Old Collegian, Rob Ness (1963-1967) and his firemen crew showed up in their fire truck to hose the students down before heading back to class.
Thank you to the main organiser of the event, Mr James Went, for his tremendous efforts in bringing the challenge together into such a success.