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College Triathlon Camp

29 January 2013

College Triathlon Camp

January 29, 2013 at 2:07 PM

At a time of year when most students are making the most of the last days of the their summer holidays, a growing number of our students are taking part in camps to physically prepare them for the coming season, whilst building strong bonds of friendship with fellow competitors, coaches and managers. Our triathletes were one of the groups of students who went away to a strategic camp.

Manager, Mrs Susan Mudford reports: ‘With Term 4 of 2012 seeing excellent foundations laid in terms of triathlete's fitness and skill level, it was appropriate that the goal of Triathlon Camp 2013 was that of 'raising the bar'.

51 triathletes, 5 coaches, 1 gappie and 52 parents headed to Blue Lake, Rotorua and then to Taupo for three days of intensive training. Upon arrival at Blue Lake, triathletes and families were greeted by the coaches and introduced to their Tri Captains for 2013, Mathew McCullough and Cass Harvey.

Through the generosity of Triathletes' Corner, Horleys, Dextro and Tri NZ, participants were provided with a small pack of tri products. We are very grateful for the support from these organisations.

During the three days all triathletes, whether heading towards National honours or just starting out, were challenged to swim, ride and run better, faster and stronger. Every single triathlete did exactly that, on the last day rising to the challenge of the gruelling 'Faulding Fatigue Fest' at Kinloch in outstanding style, including some opting to compete up an age group in the last of the 3 back-to-back triathlons. The commitment, comeraderie and professionalism of everyone involved made this camp one of the most successful and rewarding we have had and bodes well for the competitive season ahead.’