College Students Celebrate National Poetry Day
College Students Celebrate National Poetry Day
August 26, 2014 at 2:54 PM
National Poetry Day and International Language Week converged in the Library over the course of last week. In a celebration of literature, language and culture, our College students were encouraged to write poetry on the windows of the Library with white marker pens for all to see and share.
Students could choose whether to write an original poem, an extract from a favourite poet or part of a song, and whether to write in English or another language. The idea took off as word got around with many students and staff keen to leave their mark. Soon the windows were adorned with poems in English, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, Korean Tongan, German, Thai, Japanese, Spanish and Africaans – with translations in English encouraged.
The College Library and extended Learning Commons is always a vibrant place with ever-changing displays and opportunities for students of all year groups to be engaged. This was a fabulous idea that encouraged students and staff to linger in quiet reflection.