College Senior Prizegiving 2013
College Senior Prizegiving 2013
November 06, 2013 at 3:40 PM
Senior Prizegiving signalled the end of another notable year in the life of the College as the Saint Kentigern College community gathered in Elliot Hall to congratulate our Year 11, 12 and 13 IB (International Baccalaureate) and NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) academic prize winners, including those who had received scholarships for tertiary study from leading universities and tertiary institutions. In addition, special prizes were awarded for cultural and service activities along with the top sports awards.
Each student who came across the stage could be rightfully proud of awards that recognised their significant contribution. The afternoon culminated with the announcement of the highest academic honour, the Dux. This year, the honour was awarded to both the top IB Diploma student, Sarah Bradley and the top NCEA student, Louis Christie.
Following the Prizegiving, all assembled stepped out into Elliot Quad for the traditional lowering of the flag and Beating the Retreat from the Pipes and Drums.
Sarah is a student of outstanding ability who has achieved significant academic success during her time at Saint Kentigern College.
In 2011, Sarah gained NCEA Level 1 with an Excellence endorsement with a total of 103 credits at Excellence level and was placed first in Year 11. She won the prizes for Geography, Japanese and Science. In 2012, Sarah entered the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme and won the Year 12 IB prizes for English and Japanese, and was an Honours List student. This year Sarah has won the prizes for English, Literature and Film Studies. Sarah will also be sitting Scholarship examinations in History, Geography and Media Studies.
Sarah’s co-curricular involvement has been varied and interesting. She is a member of the Premier Debating team and the Tramping Club. She has played football for the College and represented the College at the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
Sarah is going to study at Victoria University in Wellington where she has won the Excellence Scholarship. She will study Law and Arts with a view to working to improve the lives of women in developing nations.
Louis is an outstanding scholar who has won numerous academic awards during his time at the College including consistently winning Academic Honours since Year 11.
In Year 11, Louis passed NCEA Level 1 with 124 credits, 61 of which were at Excellence level. In Year 12, Louis was on the Academic Honours list and passed Level 2 NCEA with 133 credits with 107 at Excellence level. He also won the prize for Physics and (as a Year 12 student) the Year 13 Statistics prize. He also passed Scholarship Statistics with an Outstanding Scholarship.
This year Louis studied a Stage One Mathematics paper at the University of Auckland and scored the highest possible grade of A+. Louis has won the 2013 prizes for: Accounting, Economics, Calculus and Physics. Louis is also sitting Scholarship examinations in Statistics, Calculus, Economics, Physics, Chemistry and Geography.
Louis’ co-curricular involvement has also been a significant part of his time at the College. He has recently completed his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award, is a member of the Tramping Club and has played tennis. He attended the New Zealand training camps for both the Mathematics and the Chemistry Olympiad teams, and was a member of the Economics Pursuits team and the Monetary Policy Challenge team that finished second in New Zealand.
Louis is going to study Science and Commerce at the University of Auckland with a view to continuing his studies overseas.
As well as our top academic achievers, Senior Prizegiving also recognises our very best sportsmen and women, debaters, actors, dancers and musicians, and those who have given well beyond expectation in Service. We are proud of the achievements of so many of our students. At all levels, there are many who strive to achieve their utmost in every endeavour they undertake. Each has a goal, a focus, a sight set on an outcome. Among the many talented, hardworking individuals, there are also those who set their sights a little higher. Often the true all-rounder, they give their all to every facet of their College life, getting involved in many of the opportunities offered to them, often helping others along the way. The students awarded the special Cultural and Service awards are such students.
The Greg Lomas Memorial Special Achievement Award
Brandon Hoon
This is awarded to a student who has experienced difficulty, hardship or illness and has persevered through it.
The Wayne Robinson Memorial Cup
Steven Fu
In memory of Old Collegian, Wayne Robinson, this award is in recognition of a Year 12 student who has experienced a difficult time yet is a person of integrity who through his or her achievements and actions has inspired others to contribute to the well-being of the College.
The Hall Memorial Prize for Service
Anna Piaggi
This is awarded to our Service Prefect for their contribution during the year as Chair of the Service Council.
The Rotary Senior School Service Award
Sophie Watson
This is awarded to a Senior School student for significant service to others within the College or wider community.
The Michael Wagstaff Memorial Award
Nicholas Williams
This is awarded for academic perseverance and endeavour and goes to a student who has demonstrated outstanding attitude and application, achieving their personal best beyond expectations.The Richard Orsborn Memorial Award
Darryn Ooi
This is awarded to a pupil leaving the College who throughout their schooling has contributed to many school activities, shown high personal standards and has exhibited the qualities inherent in the foundation of the College.
The Michael Lonsdale-Cooper Memorial Cup for Citizenship
Blake Van der Maas
This award goes to a student who has shown integrity, humility and dedication during his time at College.
The Finn Family Cup
Alex Waimora
This is awarded for participation and commitment in academic, cultural, sporting and spiritual
facets of College life.
The Clements Family ‘Endeavour’ Cup
Laura Myers
This is awarded for excellence in leadership, academics and sports.
The Wingfield Medal
Sarah Inkster
This is awarded to a student who exhibits pluck, endurance or capacity to triumph over tremendous difficulties. Only 5 of these medals have been awarded in the last 20 years.
The Rhys Brookbanks Memorial Award
Mabel Ye
This is awarded for leadership and service in memory of Rhys who was tragically killed in the collapse of the CTV Building during the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.
The Kepa-Strang Cup
Shaan Bone
This cup is awarded for an outstanding contribution to leadership in the life of the College
Each year a significant number of our students are awarded scholarships to assist with their tertiary education at universities and other tertiary institutions both within New Zealand and overseas. At the time of writing, sixteen scholarships have been awarded to provide financial assistance to continue their chosen tertiary studies. This figure generally increases over the summer break as exam results become available.
AUT Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship
Matthew Morrison
This is an award for student achievement and academic excellence at secondary schools in the wider Auckland region. This award provides tuition fees for 4 papers a semester over 3 years.
The Massey University Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers Scholarships (Arts and Academic)
Matt Ellwood
Matt is the recipient of two scholarships; the Arts and the Academic Scholarships are worth $3000 each, a total of $6000 towards tuition.
The Massey University Vice Chancellor’s High Achievers Scholarship (Academic)
George William Young
This scholarship is worth $3000 towards tuition.
The R S M Prince Accounting Scholarship
Thomas Papesch
This scholarship provides $4,800 study assistance over four years together with mentoring assistance and opportunities for paid employment during University holidays.
The Russell McVeagh School Leavers’ Scholarship and
The University of Otago - Maori and Pacific Island Entrance Scholarship
Sharnika Leleni
Sharnika is the recipient of two scholarships. The Russell McVeagh Scholarship is worth $1000 for the first year and $2000 each subsequent year plus mentoring and The University of Otago Scholarship is worth $1000 for the first year of study.
The University of Auckland Faculty of Business and Economics Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship
Nacoya Anderson
This scholarship is worth $2,500 for the first year of study.
The University of Auckland STEAM Scholarship and The University of Auckland George Turner Wilson Music Trust Scholarship
Manase Latu
Manase is the recipient of two scholarships. The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture & Medical Sciences) Scholarship pays $1000 towards tuition fees, accommodation or course costs and the Music scholarship is worth $2500.
The University of Canterbury Emerging Leaders Scholarship
Francesca Elizabeth Wilkinson
This scholarship is worth $5000 for the first year of study.
The University of Canterbury Emerging Leaders Scholarship
The University of Canterbury Engineering High Achievers Award
Jarred Durling
Jarred is the recipient of two scholarships each worth $5000.
The Victoria University Excellence Scholarship
Raima Harding
This is worth $5000 towards tuition fees or accommodation in the first year of study.
The Off the Rack Scholarship
Ashleigh Millington
This is worth $8000 towards the first year of tertiary study in a design course of her choosing.