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College Senior Prizegiving

23 November 2022

College Senior Prizegiving

November 23, 2022 at 4:13 PM

Amidst the sports accolades, arts and cultural celebrations, and extracurricular activities, we know that the foundation of a great school is classroom learning. Our mission has always been to provide an education that inspires students to strive for excellence. Our College Senior Prizegiving sheds light on our students' grit, determination, and success in the classroom.

The formal evening began with the Saint Kentigern Pipes and Drums welcoming guests as they arrived, followed by a Karanga, the National Anthem, and the Prayer of Saint Kentigern led by Deputy Head Girl Arwyn Stevens.

Education is a privilege, and we are incredibly grateful to live in a country where we prioritise this. Acting Principal Mr Duncan McQueen echoed gratitude in his address, reflecting on his 24 years at the College, seeing the thread of academic excellence throughout. Weaved between awards, the congregation enjoyed musical items from the College Band and reflections from current Head Boy and Head Girl, Archie Manning and Xing Xing Lawrence.

So many of our students received outstanding results this year. We would like to highlight the 2022 top academic achievers:

Top Academic Student in Year 11                                                     James White

The P.G. Hadfield Prize for First in Year 12 NCEA                               Mackenzie Alley

The P.G. Hadfield Prize for First in Year 12 IB                                    Sean Wang


Proxime Accessit                                                                            Arwyn Stevens

The Parents Association Award to the NCEA Dux Medallist                  Jack Buckingham

The Parents Association Award to the IB Dux Medallist                       Yixiong Hao


Thank you to our Year 13 students for your leadership in excellence, setting a high standard for years to come. We also acknowledge our staff, especially Mr McQueen, for upholding an incredible culture for the College. Thank you, to Ms Carla Adamson and Ms Angie Hitchcock for running a seamless prizegiving that honoured our students accordingly.

The ceremony closed with the Saint Kentigern Pipes and Drums beating the retreat and the flag lowered to signify the end of the year for our seniors, continuing the tradition from the earliest days of the College.