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College Premier Netball Auckland Champions!

28 August 2014

College Premier Netball Auckland Champions!

August 28, 2014 at 11:41 AM

What a fantastic night! Indoors at Auckland Netball Centre, with amazing crowd support, our Premier Girls Netball team claimed their first ever Auckland Netball Premier Championship title, beating Mount Albert Grammar School (MAGS) 37-32.

Buoyed on by very vocal supporters, including an awesome contingent of boys and girls from the boarding house, the girls went ahead early with a seven goal lead and never lost momentum. Ably led by captain, Amorangi Malesala, the girls kept the lead throughout the entire game. MAGS crept closer just prior to half-time, but never managed the crucial breakthrough. By the final quarter, sensing a win was within their grasp, our girls gave their all and were ecstatic when the final whistle blew.

The Bruce House boys gave a rousing, spine tingling haka in their honour. They created a huge buzz for the girls throughout the game, playing a vital part in spurring them on! Thank you boys, it worked!

Since the first few girls joined the College in 2003, the number of teams playing competitive netball each week has grown substantially. Now, over 30 teams compete weekly. It was a proud moment for all who have been involved with girls’ netball at the College when the trophy was awarded.

This year in particular, our girls sporting teams have been remarkably successful. The Premier Girls Tennis team are national champions, the Girls’ 1st XI Cricket team are Auckland title holders and the Girls’ Premier Touch team are joint champions. In football, the Girls 1st XI are runners up in the premiership and in the hockey, the girls only lost one game in the competition.

We are certainly competitive in all sports.

Over the years we have seen our netball teams develop real strength under the guidance of their coaches and managers. This year, coached by Andrea Leleni and Lianne Inkster, and managed by Leisha Slade, the team has been our strongest team to date.

In taking on MAGS at the final last night, our girls knew it would take a special effort to break MAGS’ dominion on the game in Auckland - they have been Auckland Champions for the past five years! Our team has gone through the season with only two losses, both times to MAGS so last night’s victory was all the sweeter!

We now wish the girls luck during Tournament Week at the UNISS (Upper North Island Secondary School) competition. Go girls!

2014 Premier Netball Team: Captain Amorangi Malesala, Sydney Fraser, Mererangi Paul, Christina Oscar, Maia Jean Watene, Kristina Tipene, Leba Korovou, Tori Kolose, Maddie Morete



Vs Aorere College - WIN 50-25

Vs Rangitoto - WIN 59-29

Vs Baradene - WIN 47-23

Vs  AGGS - WIN 35-27

Vs Macleans - WIN 48-10          

Vs Westlake - WIN  42-23

Auckland Competition

Vs Massey - WIN 55-24

Vs EGGS - WIN 37-28

Vs Diocesan - WIN  49-19

Vs Botany - WIN 65-21

Vs Westlake - WIN 31 -14 (practice game)

Vs Baradene - WIN 37 -23

Vs Avondale - WIN 33-25

Vs MAGS - Loss 32-39

Combined Points Tournament

Vs Strathallan - WIN 25-4

Vs Diocesan - WIN 21-8

Vs St Dominics - WIN 24-8

Vs James Cook - WIN 28-10

Vs Carmel - WIN 19-17

Vs Lynfield - WIN 20-11 (Quarter final)

Vs Westlake - WIN 19-5 (Semi final)

Vs MAGS - Loss 13-21 (Final)

Auckland Competition

Vs St Mary’s - WIN 48-24

Vs Manu Kura (Tu Toa) - WIN 43-25 (practice game)

Vs McAuley - WIN 42-30

Vs AGGS - WIN 46-28

Vs Aorere - WIN 39-35