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College Premier Choir to Sing with APO

14 May 2015

College Premier Choir to Sing with APO

May 14, 2015 at 1:03 PM

Have you got your tickets?

Our College Premier Choir, Kentoris, is currently very busy rehearsing for their debut with the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra. The choir has been invited to sing with the APO at a unique concert to be held at the Museum, called 'Letters in Wartime.’  This concert will feature four new works by emerging composers, inspired by letters from the Auckland War Memorial Museum’s special collection written by New Zealand soldiers at the front during World War I. 

Each work will be the culmination of 18 months of workshops with the APO’s Composer-in-Residence Kenneth Young. Mr Young has also written his own response to the Gallipoli Armistice, which took place after a month of fighting, to allow both sides to rescue their injured soldiers and to bury their dead  almost exactly 100 years to the day before this concert (24 May 1915).  It is Kenneth's piece which Kentoris will feature in along with NZ Opera Emerging Artist, Elizabeth Mandeno.  

Audience members can gain additional insights into the history and music in a pre-concert talk and you can also view the actual letters selected by the composers for use in their pieces.  

The concert will be held at the Auckland Museum Event Centre on Monday 25th May at 6.30pm.  
Tickets are available through the APO's website.

Kentoris will also be performing a short concert in the Museum's Sanctuary at 11.00am on Saturday 23rd May in preparation for Letters in Wartime, the upcoming SKC Music Department 'Proms' Concerts and The Big Sing.