College Music Exchange
College Music Exchange
October 20, 2014 at 3:02 PM
Last week students from Manurewa East Primary School visited the College as part of an exchange initiated by the Music Department this year. College Head of Music, Mr Ross Gerritsen and the Manurewa East Deputy Principal, Mr Richard Arthurs, have been long-time friends and believed that the association between the schools could be hugely beneficial to both.
The Manurewa East students were treated to a concert in the Music Centre featuring the Concert Band, Pipes and Drums, String Quartet, The Kents Singers and soloist, Sid Chand.
Two students from Manurewa East were invited to take part in the concert; one conducting the band for a performance of the march, ‘Washington Post’, while another donned a train conductor’s uniform and whistle to assist in a performance of the Beatles hit, ‘Ticket to Ride’.
The Manurewa East students then performed a number of outstanding items including a fearsome Haka from the boys and excellent Poi work from the girls.
Following the concert, the students from both schools shared lunch in Elliot Quad. The College looks forward to welcoming students from Manurewa East again in the future.