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College Middle School Prizegiving 2022

20 December 2022

College Middle School Prizegiving 2022

December 20, 2022 at 1:50 PM

On the final day of the College year, family and invited guests gathered at the Sports Centre with our Year 7 – 10 students to celebrate their academic, sporting, and performing arts successes at the Middle School Prizegiving. 

The official party of Trust Board members, College leaders, and teaching staff were called in with a Karanga, followed by the College Symphonic Band and soloist Amelia Evangelidakis, accompanying the National Anthem.

Acting College Principal Mr McQueen, who delivered his address via video conference, acknowledged the importance of partnership between the College and the community. He said, “All students, staff and parents have showed strength, resilience and adaptability. The Saint Kentigern values have shone through – frequently topped off with optimism, gratitude and good humour. Students we honour today illustrate that great success is possible when a person is motivated, works hard and strives for excellence. We congratulate them on their success.”

In recognition of excellence, effort, diligence and achievement, top students in each year group then came forward to collect their prizes from Trust Board Chair Mr Mark Conelly, Deputy Principal of Middle College Mr Carl Lidstone and Deputy Principal of Senior College Mrs Angee Robertson. This was followed by the presentation of Special Awards and Top Academic Awards which was presented by Executive Trustee Dr Kevin Morris.

Special trophies were awarded to Amelia Evangelidakis for the ‘All Round’ girl and Luka Patumaka (Luka) Makata as the ‘All Round’ boy for demonstrating dedication and commitment to excellence in all aspects of College life.

In his address Mr Conelly congratulated all students, those who received awards for their achievements and to others for doing their best and making most of what Saint Kentigern had to offer in 2022. He also took the opportunity to recognise the significant contribution of Mr McQueen in his role as Acting Principal over the last 18 months. Mr Conelly added, “We have been blessed with people who care deeply about Saint Kentigern. We are grateful to go into 2023 with a strong leadership and cohort of teachers, and an amazing group of community and students.”

At the conclusion of the formalities, the College Pipes and Drums finished the year, keeping with the tradition of ‘Beating the Retreat’ from the bridge as our official party departs the ceremony.

Our congratulations to all our award winners. Here are some of the top award recipients:

Special Awards

The Menzies Cup for Citizenship (Year 7 & 8)                                        Mischa McLister

The Cameron Prize for Citizenship (Year 9)                                            Leofe Usufono

The Cameron Prize for Citizenship (Year 10)                                          Nora Caffery

Middle School Prose (Year 9 & 10)                                                            Helene Stoof

Middle School Poetry (Year 9 & 10)                                                          Yixin (Ada) Hu

The Birch Cup for Year 10 Girl showing All Round Ability                  Amelia Evangelidakis

The J.E.H Kururangi Cup for the Year 10 Boy showing All Around Ability   

Luka Patumaka (Luka) Makata

Junior Speech Award                                                                                      Nora Caffery


Top Academic Awards

Top Academic Student in Year 7                                                                 Hao Tian (Peter) Hu

Top Academic Student in Year 8                                                                 Xuan (Nathan) Wang

Top Academic Student in Year 9                                                                 Remi Geron

Top Academic Student in Year 10                                                               Jae Hoon (Joseph) Kim