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College Middle School Prizegiving 2014

05 December 2014

College Middle School Prizegiving 2014

December 05, 2014 at 9:14 AM

On the final day of the College year, the Sports Centre was packed to capacity as family, friends and special invited guests gathered with our students in Years 7-10 to celebrate their academic, sporting and cultural successes at the Middle School prize giving. The official party was piped in by Mitchell Jackson followed by the College Sinfonia, comprising our Middle School musicians, accompanying the National Anthem.

Proud parents looked on as the top students in each age group came forward to collect their prizes from Trust Board member, Mr Murray King and long serving staff member, Mr George Wolken. Dux of the Middle School, Joshua Looker, was a well-deserved recipient after significant academic achievement as well as considerable involvement in all areas of College life.

At the conclusion of the formalities, the Second Pipe Band finished the year in our traditional manner by ‘Beating the Retreat’ from the bridge.

Our congratulations to all our award winners and especially to Joshua.


Joshua Looker has the honour of being awarded the Dux of Middle School for 2014. Joshua has consistently achieved Excellence or Excellence Plus in his subjects.  He has had outstanding results for both Year 11 Mathematics and Year 11 Music in Year 10, as well as attaining Merit in the New Zealand Junior Mathematics Competition and High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition.  He has been commended for Latin and Science for which he received a High Distinction in ICAS Science.

As an all-rounder Joshua has excelled this year both academically and in his co-curricular activities.  Strong leadership skills made Joshua an obvious choice as a Middle School Student Leader.  His musical ability has been demonstrated in the Concert Band, Stage Band and the Saxophone Ensemble.  He has also found success in Water Polo in both the Junior and Senior Teams, Football, the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and Junior Debating.

Joshua is a strong leader with a commitment to strive to achieve at the highest possible level.  His ability to immerse himself with a passion in all areas of learning is a testament to his all-round maturity.

For the Year 10 Boy Showing All Round Ability

Shiddrath has been a strong achiever throughout 2014.  His outstanding musical talent is evident in his leading role in Oliver, involvement in the winning Cargill House Band and as a section leader for Kentoris Choir. He was also a finalist in the Solo Music Competition and was selected for the Auckland Youth Choir.  Shiddrath has played an active role in Junior Cricket and the U15A Hockey team. Shiddrath’s diligence and perseverance in the classroom have seen him consistently achieve to a high standard, excelling in music in particular.  He is a high achieving young man who is commended for his accomplishments.

For the Year 10 Girl Showing All Round Ability

Tate is a multi-talented student who has excelled as an all-rounder in the Middle School.  She has achieved Excellence and Excellence Plus across all her subjects and was awarded the French, Drama, English and her Class Prizes.  An outstanding sportswoman, Tate has represented the College in Athletics and also in the Girls Premier Basketball, Football, and Touch teams. She participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and her strong leadership skills saw Tate selected as a Middle School Leader. Tate is a committed and diligent student who strives to achieve at the highest possible level in all facets of College life.

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