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College Middle School Music Evening

05 November 2013

College Middle School Music Evening

November 05, 2013 at 12:12 PM

DSC_4590.JPGEarly November saw the second Middle School Music Evening of the year take place in the Music Centre.  This was a great opportunity for our Middle School Musicians to perform in a concert setting. There were over 30 items and everyone performed outstandingly.  Particular performance highlights were vocalist Sid Chand (Year 9) who has just won the U16 New Zealand Aria contest; Sophie Clarkson (Year 10) on vocals/guitar and Max Wang (Year 9) on piano. 

As well as the soloists, the audience were treated to performances by the College Sinfonia, a Pipes & Drums duo & trio, as well as various College Chamber Groups all featuring Middle School musicians.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable evening’s entertainment and a great way to wind down the Middle School Music programme for 2013.