The College Massed Choir perform at Big Sing
The College Massed Choir perform at Big Sing
June 09, 2015 at 2:23 PM
Well done to the College Massed Choir who were the first of our choirs to present to the judges at this week’s NZ Choral Federation’s Big Sing in the Town Hall this morning. The 90 choristers of all ages opened with a stirring ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ from Handel’s well-loved oratorio, ‘The Messiah’ with Mr Tim Carpenter accompanying them on the magnificent grand pipe organ.
Don McGlashen’s, ‘Bathe in the River’ with talented singer, Lili Taylor taking the solo part, proved to be a crowd favourite with the young audience in attendance. The choir finished with a lively rendition of the gospel piece, ‘Praise His Holy Name’ by Keith Hampton
With its amazing acoustics and fantastic setting, the Great Hall in Auckland Town Hall provides a very special opportunity for our choirs to perform. The Big Sing has been held annually for 25 years with over 9.800 singers in 260 choirs from 150 schools around New Zealand entering the regional festivals and is New Zealand’s largest choral event. Twenty Four choirs from around the country are selected for the Big Sing National Finale and it always our hope that at least one of our choirs is chosen.
Our auditioned choirs, the all-female Musettes and the all-male Menasing will be competing on Thursday morning. Our premier choir, Kentoris is not entered competitively this year having chosen to concentrate on the amazing recent opportunities to sing at the official Anzac Dawn Service and in concert with the APO at the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
Good luck to the Musettes and Menasing on Thursday! They would love your support!
The Big Sing
New Zealand Choral Federation
Auckland Town Hall
Our auditioned choirs will be singing at the following approximate performance times.
Thursday 11th June
Musettes - 12.00pm
Menasing - 2.45pm
Thursday 11th June
Gala Concert
6.30pm ASB Theatre, Aotea Centre