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College Kentoris wins place at National Finale

25 June 2013

College Kentoris wins place at National Finale

June 25, 2013 at 12:12 PM

For the first time Saint Kentigern College will be represented in the competitive section at the NZCF National Finale of the Big Sing, the National Secondary Schools’ Choir Competition.  In 2011 Kentoris was a reserve choir but did not travel and in 2012 MENASING, the all-boys choir was a non-competitive guest choir.

In Dunedin the choir directed by Mr Lachlan Craig will perform twice.  One on the first day of competition and one on the second.  In total they will sing 6 pieces, 3 of which are their repertoire from the Auckland performance in mid-June. The choir will begin preparation immediately for the competition and looks forward to competing for a top award at the Finale