College Girls' Charity Breakfast
College Girls' Charity Breakfast
August 02, 2013 at 11:32 AM
Organised by Head Girl, Sharnika Leleni, and Deputy Head Girl, Shaan Bone, 56 of our Year 13 girls, along with a number of staff, made an early start to share breakfast in Elliot Hall to raise money for Sweet Louise, a charity that offers support and services to New Zealand women living with secondary (advanced or metastatic) breast cancer.
Sharnika said that when the girls talked to outgoing Head Girl, Chelsea Wiggall at the end of last year, Chelsea told them she wished she had organised a girls-only event for students in Year 13. In this the year that celebrates 10 years since girls started at the College, our 2013 girl prefects willingly took on the task.
With a table laden with appealing breakfast fare, the eye was drawn to colourful piles of apples. We were to learn the significance of this from the morning’s speaker, Mrs Janet Mikkelsen. Janet is on the Board of Sweet Louise, a charity named in honour of her sister who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 27. Two years later Louise learnt her cancer had spread but Louise was determined to live the best life she could, exceeding expectations and living another ten years before succumbing to her illness. Green apples were her favourite and this has become the logo for Sweet Louise to symbolise taking a bite out of life.
Those living with secondary cancer face on-going cycles of debilitating treatment, often facing both emotional and financial distress. The effect on the whole family can be profound. Janet told our girls that the charity had developed a practical way to give support at this difficult time. Through support from a large number of businesses, the charity provides families with $500 worth of vouchers to ‘spend’ with whichever associated business they choose. This may be help with cleaning, the garden, childcare, drivers, providing emotional support through counselling or simply the chance for some beauty therapy. A popular service has been baking, allowing families to provide morning tea to say thank you in return to their supporters.
Well done to the girls for bringing this together and for the initiative to raise over $800 for such a thoughtful cause. Our thanks to Pak n Save, Sylvia Park for the donation of the apples.
For more information about Sweet Louise or to make a donation, visit their website.