College Environmental Art Competition
College Environmental Art Competition
September 17, 2021 at 3:14 PM
Just as the country went into Lockdown, entries for an inaugural art competition run, by the College Environmental Council, were due. With the theme, ‘Our Environment’s Hopeful Future,’ the competition was open to all Year levels, and keen artists with a passion for the planet were free to choose their medium. Under Lockdown, digital copies of the artworks were submitted for judging.
In consultation with the art department staff and Acting Principal, Mr Duncan McQueen, artworks were marked on a range of criteria including creativity, composition, technique, and adherence to the theme. The feedback received from our judges was that the overall quality of submissions was extremely high, and the creativity of participants exceeded expectations!
Congratulations to winner, Year 11 student Mackenzie Alley for her triptych focussed on the critically endangered Javan rhino, native to Southeast Asia. Heavily threatened by habitat loss, poaching and vulnerability to disease and natural disasters, only sixty Javan rhinos remain in the world, in Java’s Ujung Kulon National Park. Mackenzie’s hope it that through habitat regrowth, breeding programmes and extensive protection efforts, someday their population can be recovered and Javan rhinos will roam the wild once more.
1st ($50) and 2nd ($25) prizewinners each received a Prezzy Card, whilst 3rd place earned a $10 tuck shop voucher. The recipient of the Principal’s Prize won a water colour art set.
Well done to the Environmental Council for organising the competition and to all the entrants for some fantastic artwork that will go on display once we are back at school! Soon we hope!
1st Mackenzie Alley, Year 11 Rhinos at Risk
2nd Ricky Shen, Year 10 The World WE Inherited
3rd Eva Ye, Year 11 B612
Principal’s Prize Morgan Alley, Year 9 A Seed of Hope