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College Enviro Club Spreads Christmas Cheer

02 December 2021

College Enviro Club Spreads Christmas Cheer

December 02, 2021 at 3:45 PM

Covid-related restriction has not dampened the efforts nor spirit of our College Enviro Club. In any given term, our students are presented with different opportunities to serve the environment and the community.  From planting vegetables for the Salvation Army to collecting lavender for the zoo or knuckling down to the arduous task of weeding plots, College students have been continuously challenged to think of ideas to be kind to mother nature and to engage the community in meaningful ways.

While some opportunities were missed during the year due to lockdown, one of our student-led projects the Small Succulent Plant flourished. Since returning to school, our students started propagating and nurturing little succulent plants in their pots with the intention of sharing them with the community in time for Christmas. Last week, students from the Enviro Club and 7PAE gathered to wrap and decorate these succulent plants and delivered them to the residents of CHT Lansdowne Aged Care facility in Howick. Thank you for your initiative in planting the seed of joy this season!