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College Debators Win Auckland Final

14 September 2017

College Debators Win Auckland Final

September 14, 2017 at 12:14 PM

Hot on the heels of winning the Holyoake Debate, our Premier Debating team argued their way to victory last night in the Auckland Schools Debating Grand Final. 

In a close contest between Saint Kentigern and King’s College, Josh Looker, Jordan Rogers-Jenkins and Tate McGregor successfully affirmed the motion ‘this house would tax the work of robots’ in an entertaining and future-focused debate. 

All three of these students are not only superbly confident public speakers but they also have quick thinking, analytical minds that can quickly assess the opposition’s position and be ready to verbally counter-attack! And argue they did, all the way to a win! 

The win was all the more special as this is the first time in 20 years that the College Debaters have ascended to victory in this competition, testament to the skill and commitment to this fine team, and their coach, Old Collegian Dr Jesse Hart. Well done for the second time in two weeks!