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College Chamber Quartet Through To The Nationals

28 June 2021

College Chamber Quartet Through To The Nationals

June 28, 2021 at 9:36 AM

After earlier success in the Auckland round of the Chamber Music competition, one of our Premier Chamber Quartets, GoodFellas, comprising Jason Wong and Alex Bian on Percussion, and Charles Sang and Sunny Le on Piano, delivered another outstanding performance at the Northern Regional Finals over the weekend, to earn a place at the National competition to be held in Christchurch in August.

After earlier winning the Auckland District Finals from 70 other elite groups, the students worked intensively to polish up details and sections that had been mentioned in the Judge’s report. Working with coach, Eric Renick, they practised performing to audiences to settle their nerves before the Northern round of the competition.  

The students had to transport all the percussion gear- that’s 19 pieces of expensive, large, delicate items into the cargo van to and from the venue. We offer special thanks to our musicians who volunteered their free time to help with stage management.

This time, the top twelve chamber groups, selected from the district rounds in the Upper North Island, performed their repertoire, with esteemed musicians, Luca Manghhi and Robert Ibell, as adjudicators, who followed the score with critical eyes and ears.

The quartet delivered an outstanding performance to be awarded 1st place - another first for our Saint Kentigern musicians!

The quartet members are extremely excited about the upcoming Nationals in Christchurch, and will be looking forward to performing their piece for the Saint Kentigern community at the Large Ensemble Showcase in Elliot Hall on Thursday 8 July, 6.30-8.30pm, free entry.