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College C.E.T.A. Team 2014 Auckland Champions

15 September 2014

College C.E.T.A. Team 2014 Auckland Champions

September 15, 2014 at 12:33 PM

At the annual C.E.T.A. (Commerce and Economics Teachers Association) Pursuits Competition for schools in the greater Auckland region, our Accounting Team won for the fourth consecutive year to become the Auckland Regional Accounting Champions. A fabulous achievement!

The students took part in a series of seven rounds of competition with seven questions per round to achieve best school for this region. The team outstripped our nearest challenger, Lynfield College and third place went to Westlake Boys. The students found it an excellent way to prepare for upcoming examinations and thoroughly enjoyed this testing yet entertaining evening.

CETA Accounting Team:

Lucy Eden, Hamish McDonald, Andrew Jackson, Sam Dakin, Harry Rillstone.