College Academic Results
College Academic Results
February 13, 2013 at 1:46 PM
With thanks to Mr Richard Stead
It is always with great interest that our teaching staff come together at the start of a new College year to reflect on the achievements of our senior students in their 2012 external examinations. Each year brings slightly different rewards but, overall, our 2012 results in both NCEA and the International Baccalaureate Diploma qualifications were very good with a pleasing increase in the number of NCEA students gaining Excellence and Merit Endorsements, especially at Levels 2 and 3. Despite a large number of our most able students selecting the IB Diploma pathway, our NCEA results continue to compare very favourably against the averages from National and Decile 10 schools.
This was the third year that the College had a cohort of students sitting the IB Diploma exams (whilst the IB Diploma is a two year course of study, the students are only examined once at the end of the course) and we were delighted that four Diploma students achieved 40 points or over from a maximum of 45 points. Our highest achieving IB student was Joe Lu with 44 points.
NATIONAL CERTIFICATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT (NCEA)The majority of our students can be justifiably proud of their achievements. 89.7% of our NCEA students gained University Entrance along with 100% of our IB Diploma students, with an overall 90.5% of the 2012 cohort gaining entrance to university. A number of our top scholars in both qualifications have excelled at the very highest level and have gained a world-class qualification.
NCEA is well entrenched as New Zealand’s national secondary qualification and the academic gains we have seen over the last few years continue to be reflected in the very positive performance of our students. The majority of students at Saint Kentigern College sit the NCEA and whilst there is a marginal decrease in some overall percentage results, this can be attributed to the number of our more able students who now take the IB Diploma. Of greatest note is the continued rise in the number of students who have strived for and attained either a Merit or Excellence Endorsement.
At Level 1 (Year 11) 94.4% of all the students gained their certificates with 25.5% gaining their certificates with an Excellence Endorsement and a further 52.4% gaining a Merit Endorsement. We are particularly proud of Shuo Yang who has an average GPA of 99.3.
Thirty nine of these students have elected to join the two year IB Diploma programme as they enter Year 12 this year.
Congratulations to our top NCEA Level 1 students:
Shuo Yang
Excellence Endorsements in Chemistry, Economics, English, French, Science with Biology and Level 2 Mathematics For Calculus.
Average GPA – 99.3
Eden Hawkins
Excellence Endorsements in Drama, English, French, Geography, Mathematics and Science with Biology.
Average GPA – 96.2
Sian Seeley
Excellence Endorsements in Accounting, English, Physics, Science with Chemistry, Spanish and Merit Endorsement in Level 2 Mathematics For Calculus.
Average GPA – 95.8
Max Bunting
Excellence Endorsements in Economics, English, French, Digital Technology and Level 2 Mathematics For Calculus and Merit Endorsement in Science with Physics.
Average GPA – 94.83
Rachel Smith
Excellence Endorsements in Accounting, French, Science with Physics and Level 2 Mathematics For Calculus and Merit Endorsements in English and Music.
Average GPA – 93.2
Level 2 results were very pleasing with 97.5% of all students gaining their Level 2 Certificates with 57.7% gaining an overall Merit Endorsement or better.
Congratulations to our top NCEA Level 2 students:
Daniel Lowe
Excellence Endorsements in Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Merit Endorsements in English, Physics and Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics.
Average GPA – 93
Louis Christie
Excellence Endorsements in Chemistry, Economics, Physics and Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics and Merit Endorsements in Accounting and English.
Average GPA – 92.5
Nicole Trass
Excellence Endorsements in Accounting, Economics and Level 2 Mathematics for Calculus
Merit Endorsements in Chemistry, Dance and English
Average GPA – 90.3
Francesca Wilkinson
Excellence Endorsements in Physics and Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics and Merit Endorsements in Biology, Chemistry, English and French.
Average GPA – 89.3
Kirsten Wong
Excellence Endorsements in Mathematics for Calculus and Painting and Merit Endorsements in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Average GPA – 88.5
Our 2012 leavers also produced some very positive results. 93.9% gained a Level 3 Certificate while our University Entrance success rate at 89.7%. Level 3 Endorsements showed the biggest gains with 11.1% gaining an Excellence Endorsement and 35.3 awarded Merit.
Congratulations to our top NCEA Level 3 students:
Sally Park
Excellence Endorsements in Biology, Chemistry, Japanese and Mathematics with Calculus and Merit Endorsement in English.
Average GPA – 95.2
Calvin Sang
Excellence Endorsements in Design Art, Media Studies, Photography and Merit Endorsements in English and Mathematics with Statistics and Modelling.
Average GPA – 93.8
Rosalie Liu
Excellence Endorsements in Classical Studies, English and Painting and Merit Endorsements in Chemistry and Mathematics with Calculus.
Average GPA – 93.0
Robert Lewis
Excellence Endorsements in Design Art, Geography and Spatial Design and Merit Endorsement in Mathematics with Statistics.
Average GPA – 87.6
Collin Wang
Excellence Endorsements in Economics, History, Mathematics with Statistics and Merit Endorsements in Biology and Chemistry.
Average GPA – 87.0
The % of students gaining NCEA Certificates and University Entrance
National |
Decile 10 Schools |
NCEA Level 1 |
94.7 |
77.6 |
90.1 |
NCEA Level 2 |
98.3 |
82.7 |
91.3 |
NCEA Level 3 |
94.6 |
75.0 |
84.9 |
University Entrance |
90.7 |
66.0 |
81.5 |
The % of students gaining Endorsements Credits at Excellence or Merit Level
Level 1 |
National |
Achieved with Excellence |
25.5 |
15.2 |
Achieved with Merit |
52.4 |
35.4 |
Level 2 |
Achieved with Excellence |
16.2 |
11.7 |
Achieved with Merit |
41.7 |
26.8 |
Level 3 |
Achieved with Excellence |
11.1 |
8.2 |
Achieved with Merit |
35.2 |
24.6 |
In 2012, our third cohort of 25 Year 13 International Baccalaureate Diploma students completed their two year course of study, culminating in their final external examinations. As in the previous years, the results were outstanding, reinforcing our decision to provide students at Saint Kentigern College with an alternative qualification to NCEA.
We are proud that four of our students gained over 40 points from a maximum of 45. These students were placed amongst the top 6% of candidates in the world. 100% of all our IB students gained their Diploma which compares favourably against the world pass rate of 78% (2012). The results place our top IB Diploma students in an advantageous position to gain university entrance both in New Zealand and overseas.
The % of students gaining the International Baccalaureate Diploma
World |
Diploma Awarded |
100% |
78% (Nov 2012) |
Average Points (Score out of 45) |
30.01 (Nov 2012) |
40 + Diplomas |
16% |
Not available |
Entry to University |
100% |
Not available |
NB: the point scale used for IB subjects is 1 (poor) to 7 (best). Students take six subjects = 42 points. A further 3 points ‘bonus’ is available based on individual performance in the additional requirements of the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge. Therefore, the maximum available points is 45.
The following students will be honoured at the IB Schools of New Zealand Top Scholars’ Awards Ceremony at Government House, Auckland, in the presence of the Governor General Lt Gen The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae
Jiachen (Joe) Lu 44/45
Subjects: Biology HL 7Chemistry HL 7, Mathematics HL 7, English SL 6, French SL 7, Economics SL 7.
*Additional points: 3
Lorenz Bartsch 43/45
Subjects: Economics HL 7, Biology HL 7, Geography HL 7, EnglishSL 6, Spanish SL 7, Mathematics SL 6. Additional points: 3
Samuel Gilmour 43/45
Subjects: Geography HL 7, Physics HL 7, Mathematics HL 6, English SL 6, Spanish SL7, Economics SL 7.
Additional points: 3
Jun-Yi (Nicole) Tan 41/45
Subjects: English HL 5, History HL 7, Biology HL 6, Spanish SL 7, Economics SL 7, Mathematics St 6.
Additional points: 3
HL = Higher Level SL = Standard Level
Three subjects are studied in depth at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). Students decide which subjects they will study at Higher Level at the end of the second term inYear 12.
*Additional points
A maximum of 3 extra points can be gained for successful completion of the Theory of Knowledge course and the Extended Essay